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RSL L3 Extended Diploma
Creative Music Industry

Why should you study at a VLUK Music+Brand Campus?

With VLUK Music+Brand, you will work towards a Level 3 RSL Extended Diploma in Creative Music Industry.

This qualification is equivalent to three full A Levels, providing you with a vocational context in which you can develop the knowledge and skills required for further education, music college or straight into professional employment.

The Extended Diploma in the Creative Music Industry allows learners to build the skills necessary to successfully work in the music industry. Creative Music Industry is split into five pathways: Performance, Production, Composition, Live Events and Entrepreneurship. Each pathway embodies a specific profile of study and this informs the core unit choices, which each learner will make.



Core Units:

  • Collaborative Project

  • Performing Music Live

  • Working in the Music Industry

Optional units can be found below*

*This is the standard course, other options are available

Year 1

(302) Rehearsing music: You will undertake a series of rehearsals, working towards a goal of performance, to refine your live performance. This unit will be completed in professional rehearsal spaces with quality equipment. You will be guided by your tutors, who will provide one-2-one and group feedback to ensure you develop effective rehearsal skills. 

(303) Performing music live: You will undertake and complete a successful live performance in front of an real audience, performing material from your rehearsals.

(314) Setting up a music business: Get stuck into the industry and set up your own music business! You will learn by doing as you build your knowledge base, topics covering include how to write a business plan, promote your business, and manage sales and other financial elements!

(315) Music promotion: Learn how to effectively promote! Build your knowledge and skills in key promotion techniques, consider revenue streams and analyse current products and their promotion strategies. An essential skill in any industry, from promoting your music or an event to growing your own business.

(367) Creating a social media content strategy: Social media is an essential element to succeed in any modern industry, here you will learn how to create a social media strategy to successfully promote and achieve your goals online.

(306) Digital recording & production: Take on the studios and pick up the skills to record and produce both your own music and others! This is a valuable skill in the music industry but also provides excellent transferrable skills with a basis in technology. 

Year 2

(301) Collaboration project: This is your opportunity to be as creative and flexible as you like! You can plan and undertake a project of your own design focused around your area of interest.

(342) Practical musicianship: Develop your listening skills to be able to effectively create and communicate musical ideas and elements. Expand your key musical skills to become an effective musician. 

(390) Employment preparation: Prepare for your next step towards employment and a career. Build development plans and the required material to ensure your success.

(388) Planning for a career in music: Develop professionally to increase your employability; effectively plan and build your knowledge and skills to support your next career step.

(364) Music management: Understand the roles and responsibilities involved in managing a music project or artist and apply the findings to a project of your choice. 

(311) Managing a music event: Plan and undertake the organisation and realisation of a music event (or events!) of your choice. This could be anything from promotional events to live performances or showcases – your creativity is the only limit!

Course Structure

A typical week is made up of 20 hours study where you will take part in practical music classes. You will be given workshops from industry professional and take part in short projects to deepen your knowledge. You will be given time dedicated to Private study for tasks such as independent research and preparation reading.


In addition to the music sector specific content, the requirements of the qualification means that learners develop the transferable and higher-order skills that are highly regarded by higher education and employers.

There are
NO exams
on this course

Why choose VLUK?

99% Pass rate in 2023

This course leverages learners' passion for music performance to develop essential skills for success in the music industry and beyond.

This innovative music performance course integrates performance and recording with key professional and personal development areas, including areas such as leadership, mindset, branding, adaptability, resilience, networking, public speaking, event management and marketing amongst others.

At VLUK Music+Brand campus learners will be equipped with the tools to excel not only in music but also in a wide range of future careers, fostering creativity, confidence, and professional skills.

This programme is perfect for the new generation of creative learners who recognise that their skill sets are highly transferable. Musicians, 2023 music producers, media creators, and all creative individuals must build
brands, markets, and networks to succeed and we support all learners to achieve their goals and ambitions.

Our programme partners with state-of-the-art music industry venues nationwide, immersing learners in real working studios from day one and giving them direct access to industry professionals for networking and hands-on learning.

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What will I learn?

You can see the units you will cover below, with a quick summary of each over the course. If you would like further information about the course or the unit content, please ask!

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